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Buy framed posters and books.

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Please note your order will be processed when the payment has been received.
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Product information


All posters measure 31x46cm (excl. frame) and come in a high-quality, custom-made frame produced by Framing People.

Due to the frame being custom-made please note delivery time may take up to 30 days from day of confirmed purchase.

Frames come in black, brown or yellow. Please specify which colour you want when placing your order.

All vertical frames have a passepartout of 5cm. All horisontal frames have a passepartout of 2.5cm.



Delivery time up to 7 days.


Terms & conditions

Delivery within DK costs 50 kr.

If you wish to return a purchased item please do so within 14 days upon receipt. The item should be unused and in originial packaging. 

When returning an item all shipping costs are covered by the customer. 

A full refund will be transferred to the customer's account within 14 days after receiving the item in original condition.

If, upon arrival, an item is faulty/damaged (e.g. glass is broken during shipping) seller will cover the return cost and provide a full refund. Alternatively a new frame can be provided. Please contact seller to make the necessary arrangements. 





Items will be sent using a GSL or DAO carrier to a collection site near you. Alternatively framed posters can be collected at Framing People in Copenhagen.



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